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Adebayor wants Madrid stay

Image: Adebayor: Wants to stay

Real Madrid striker Emmanuel Adebayor has stated that he will do everything he can to stay next season.

Madrid striker desperate to make loan spell a permanent one

Real Madrid striker Emmanuel Adebayor has stated that he will do everything he can to make his loan spell permanent. The Togolese international is with the Spanish giants until the end of the season from Manchester City, but has had a mixed start to life at the Bernabeu having scored two goals in seven games. Despite becoming a key figure with Arsenal prior to his move to Eastlands, Adebayor slowly cut a more frustrated figure during his time in England, and moved away after five years in the country. Adebayor is proud to be at Madrid and is happy to be feeling the love from the supporters. "I can tell. I hear my name chanted around the stadium. It's important to feel loved. I will do everything possible to stay here as long as possible," he told Spanish daily AS. "I came here to do something. I have made something of myself in football and spent years playing at the highest level, but I'm still empty-handed. "For me, the most important thing is to win trophies. When I joined Arsenal, I never imagined that I wouldn't win anything. Here I have to do everything I can to make it happen."


The 27-year-old is so eager to impress he has even gone to the lengths of cutting his hair to fit in with the club's values. "I had dreadlocks for three years but, when the opportunity to play for Madrid arose, I knew I'd have them cut off," he added. "This haircut is more appropriate for an institution like Madrid. I'm doing everything possible to integrate." Adebayor left Arsenal under a dark cloud despite becoming one of Arsene Wenger's key men during his time there, after admitting that he would welcome a move to AC Milan and falling out with the club's supporters. Although the player moved to City to the despair of the Gunners, Adebayor admitted that if he could have, he would have stayed at the Emirates for the rest of his career. "It was another level there. Bergkamp, Henry and Van Persie were there - it made me improve as a footballer. I became a key figure in attack and it shows that I was a success," he continued. "(Arsene Wenger taught me) to arrive on time at training, to be professional, how to mentally recover, to act professionally with the other players in the dressing room." Asked if he felt angry about his exit from the North London club, he replied: "To be honest, yes. I left frustrated. I loved the club. When I was young, one of my dreams was to play for Arsenal because my idol, Kanu, played there. I thought I would stay there for the rest of my career. "[Manchester City] was a difficult experience. Mancini has a way of approaching the game. It's life - you have to accept it. I don't feel any resentment."

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