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Ertl eyes October return

Image: Ertl: Suffered a knee injury in March

Sheffield United defender Johannes Ertl has set his sights on returning to action in October.

Blades defender keen to play his part in League One campaign

Sheffield United defender Johannes Ertl has set his sights on returning to action in October as he recovers from a serious knee injury. The Austrian international missed the final two months of last season, which ultimately saw the Blades drop into the third-tier for the first time since 1989, with a knee injury suffered in March. However, with the former Crystal Palace man's rehabilitation going well, he admits that he cannot wait to help the Blades rebuild after last season's demise. "I've been to special places to get it assessed and everything has gone extremely well so far, with my injury feeling really good," he told "I should be back in around two-and-a-half months' time and I just want to make sure that when I do return I am fit and ready to go because it is a big season for everyone at the club.

Mental toughness

"It is a long, hard campaign and I can't wait to play my part in it, so hopefully everything will continue to go to plan. "Injuries are part and parcel of a career and you do everything you can to come back fit and stronger when they crop up. "The mental side of injury is the toughest part to deal with, but I'm just really looking forward to rolling my sleeves up and giving everything for this club when I return. "Everyone is committed to the cause here and training has gone really well, so everything is boding well for the season ahead."

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