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Connor vows to stay on

Image: Terry Connor: Disappointed not to land the Wolves job but has vowed to stay and help Stale Solbakken

Terry Connor has confirmed he will stay at Wolves after expressing his disappointment at failing to land the manager's job permanently.

Interim boss disappointed to miss out on Wolves manager's job

Terry Connor has confirmed he will stay at Wolves after expressing his disappointment at failing to land the manager's job on a permanent basis. Wolves appointed former Cologne coach Stale Solbakken as the club's new manager on Friday and he will have Connor as his assistant next season. Connor had been promoted from the role of No.2 to replace Mick McCarthy in February, but he has failed to win in 12 games as Wolves suffered relegation from the Premier League. He was interviewed for the post on a full-time basis, but understands why he was overlooked and is now preparing to revert back to his assistant's role.

Right decision

"I'm a little bit disappointed, but I understand and accept as a manager you need to win games," said Connor. "So I knew I wouldn't get it - four draws from 12 games isn't good enough. "It's all about the club and taking it forward and it was the right decision. "I'm contracted by the club and I will do my best for the club and if this is the best way then I'm happy to do it. "I do want to stay and I want the best for Wolves. I've worked under Colin Lee, Dave Jones, Glenn Hoddle and Mick McCarthy, so I know I can do the role." Connor is impressed by Solbakken's record and he is looking forward to the opportunity to work with the Norwegian. He added: "I will welcome him like we do everyone coming into the football club. "He will have every support from myself and every member of staff - everyone will warm to him and give him every chance to do the job. "I've never met Stale but I've seen his record and where he's worked and it's very impressive."

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