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Etuhu to play on

Dickson Etuhu will wait until the end of the season before getting his injured arm treated.

Norwich midfielder Dickson Etuhu will wait until the end of the season before getting his injured arm treated.

Etuhu has played with the injury for the past three months but had to protect his forearm from further damage by wearing a bandage at the weekend.

Nevertheless, the 24-year-old is adamant he will not miss any of the Canaries' run-in because of the problem.

"I land on it every game, but after a couple of seconds it calms down," Etuhu told the Norwich Evening News.

"I'll get it sorted in the summer. I can't do it now because I'd have to wear a cast and miss games."

Meanwhile, Norwich youngster Andrew Cave-Brown has put pen-to-paper on a new one-year deal at Carrow Road.

The defender follows Robert Eagle and Chris Martin in signing new contracts with the Championship club recently.

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