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Hearts boss Craig Levein says VAR is needed to protect referees

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Hearts boss Craig Levein is a supporter of VAR

Hearts manager Craig Levein believes implementing Video Assistant Referees (VAR) in Scotland is a "no-brainer" and could help protect officials following the recent death threats reportedly aimed at John Beaton.

Beaton allegedly received threatening messages following the Old Firm game, where he was criticised for failing to punish Alfredo Morelos in Rangers' win over Celtic.

Levein, who was recently handed a touchline ban following his criticism of referee Bobby Madden, attended an SFA summit last week, aimed at stemming the growing animosity between match officials and the clubs.

"The interesting thing for me was that the referees were very vocal about wanting VAR to be used, and I completely understand that, it's a no-brainer."
Hearts manager, Craig Levein

"I think everybody has to understand that there's two things here," said Levein, "First, making sure we get more correct decisions.

"And the second thing is, after what happened to John Beaton, is taking the pressure off referees, so if they make a mistake it gets fixed and gets forgotten about, rather than the nonsense we've seen happen to John.

"It isn't good for Scottish football and the referees for sure."

Referee John Beaton recently received death threats
Image: Referee John Beaton

Levein has long been a vocal supporter of VAR and believes there was broad support for the introduction of the technology at the clear-the-air talks.

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"The interesting thing for me was that the referees were very vocal about wanting VAR to be used, and I completely understand that, it's a no-brainer," said Levein.

"Trying to put myself in their [referees'] shoes, who wants to go home on a Saturday night and beat themselves up?

"I make mistakes in this job and go home on a Saturday night and beat myself up, and who wants that when we've got an option that could fix the problem.

"I think it makes things better for everybody."


Dundee travel to Tynecastle on Wednesday to take on Hearts in the Ladbrokes Premiership.

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