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Pleat delight at Freddie's strike

David Pleat has paid testament to Freddie Kanoute's wonderful opening goal in Tottenham's 3-0 victory over Everton.

Kanoute fired home a fabulous 30 yard strike to give Spurs the lead going into half time, and caretaker boss Pleat believed it was an important strike.

"It was a wonderful strike," said Pleat - who had his name chanted by the fans throughout the game.

"You have to enjoy those because they don't come along too often.

"We needed it as well, it would have been hard for us to come in without a lead after we had played so well.

"The clean sheet was another plus - we have been in good spirits and we looked sharp at the back."

Asked about his own future Pleat remained coy.

"I have enjoyed my day, but to be honest you always tend to be less anxious as a caretaker," added Pleat.

"Of course I am desperate for us to win - but there is less anxiety."

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