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Berger's Baros blast

Patrik Berger says Liverpool were wrong to sell Milan Baros to Aston Villa.

Patrik Berger says Milan Baros will be a great asset to Aston Villa, and believes Liverpool were wrong to let him leave Anfield.

Reds boss Rafa Benitez decided Czech Republic marksman Baros was not required on Merseyside this season, and allowed him to join Villa for around £7 million.

Baros has now joined-up with international colleague Berger at Villa Park, and the former Portsmouth man believes he will be a massive addition to David O'Leary's squad.

European champions Liverpool have not scored from open play in their three Premiership games this season and Berger believes they have made a mistake in letting Baros go.

"Milan's young. He still has a long and great career ahead of him," said Berger.

"We should be grateful we have him here because, in my opinion, Liverpool have released the best striker they had.

"Milan's got everything really - he likes to run at people, he can hold the ball up, he's quick, he can score goals and create them.

"He has the potential to be one of the best strikers in Europe. He's going to score goals for us and he's given a lift to everyone at the club."

Baros marked his Villa debut with a goal and Berger could make his full bow at West Ham on Monday after recovering from injury.

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