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Sepp Blatter salary revealed by FIFA - as well as £84m annual loss

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Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter earned a salary of £2.6m last year.

FIFA has revealed it paid former president Sepp Blatter £2.6m last year - and also made an annual loss of £84m.

World football's governing body published Blatter's salary for the first time under new governance regulations.

FIFA blamed their losses on "unforeseen costs due to the extraordinary circumstances that occurred".   

However FIFA believe reforms that have been introduced - and the election of Gianni Infantino as president - will see a turnaround in their fortunes.

"With the recently approved reforms, I believe that we have turned a corner and that FIFA is poised to emerge stronger than ever," said Infantino. 

New FIFA president Gianni Infantino delivers a speech
Image: Gianni Infantino believes FIFA will emerge stronger than ever from the corruption crisis that has engulfed world football's governing body

"During my presidency, I pledge to make this happen and to lead FIFA into a brighter and more sustainable future so that we can all return our full focus to football.

"We saw in 2015 that FIFA's competitions - such as the FIFA Women's World Cup - remain an incredible opportunity for us to promote the game and to raise the funds we need to fulfil our core mission of football development."

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As well as Blatter's salary details, the figures also revealed a breakdown of what was paid to secretary general Jerome Valcke - another official who was banned in the wake of the corruption scandal for breaching seven counts of the ethics code including over misuse of private jets and the selling of World Cup tickets.

FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke admits the corruption scandal is deterring World Cup sponsors
Image: The salary of secretary general Jerome Valcke, received in 2015, has also been revealed

FIFA's accounts show Valcke received a gross salary of some £1.07m with additional extras such as social security and pension fund contributions taking the total up to £1.51m.

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