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Saints duo arrested

Image: Dyer (pictured) and Wright-Phillips arrested

Two Southampton footballers have been arrested on Tuesday in connection with an alleged theft at a nightclub.

Pair arrested over nightclub burglary

Two Southampton footballers have been arrested on Tuesday in connection with an alleged theft from bags in a staff room at a nightclub. The pair, believed to be Bradley Wright-Phillips and Nathan Dyer, have already been questioned by police over the allegation of burglaries at the Bar Bluu nightclub in Southsea, Hants. The duo were caught on CCTV entering an unlocked staff room in the early hours of February 28, an incident that has already seen the players punished by the South Coast outfit. Bar staff later reported three mobile phones, £145 cash, student cards and cigarettes missing - allegedly stolen from three handbags. "We can confirm that two men, aged 20 and 23, have been arrested in connection with an allegation of burglary," confirmed the Hampshire police. Southampton have refused to comment on the developments, with a club spokesman saying: "It's a matter of police investigation and we cannot comment."

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